//Congratulation/Great news

Congratulation/Great news

U.S. House of Representatives Democratic Leader Nancy Pelosi has appointed Washington-based Uyghur attorney Nury Turkel to the U.S. Commission on International Religious Freedom (USCIRF).
This is great news for Uyghur nation.We hope Mr.Nury Turkel do his best serve people around the world and Uyghur people as well.
Uyghur millitidin bolghan adukat Nury Turkel efendim Amerika awamplata reisi Nancy Pelosi hanim terifidin Amerika helkara dinni erkinlik komisiyesining Komissarlighigha teyinlendi.Bu munasiwet bilen Nury Turkel efendimni tebirikleymiz hem millitimizning buningdin kiyinki ishlirining heyirlik bolushini umit kilimiz.
Nury Turkel efendimning kuchining yetishiqe Millitimiz we putun dunya helkige hizmet kilishini umut kilimiz.
Hormet bilen/Sincerely.
The East Turkistan Association of Canada

Nury Turkel Commissioner, US Commission for International Religious Freedom: US Vote to #Uyghur Rights Bill #Uyghur…

Posted by Uighur Times on Tuesday, May 26, 2020